Our principles

When we see design holistically, we understand the value design has, in its totality. A whole is indeed greater than the sums of its parts. This is also called emergence. In philosophy, systems theory, science, and art, emergence is the condition of an entity having properties its parts do not have, due to interactions among the parts.

Design has to hold a few important distinctions that makes it holistic. A holistic design approach ought to be inclusive by default. It has to be ethical and diverse and most of all it has to be people-first. With well-researched and design-oriented approaches, profit is assured because it always identifies a need and then solves it. Impact equals profit, the opposite is not true.

  • Accountable – Designers must take full responsibility for the products and services they create.
  • Strategic – Designers help businesses transform, become humane, and prosper.
  • Inclusive and diverse – Holistic means everyone, everywhere.
  • Impactful – Creating positive change on profit, people, planet.
  • Integrated – Holistic design works only when it is an equal and indispensable part of an organization. Not in isolation.
  • Intentional – Defining the purpose of the outcomes designers create
  • Epistemic – Using data and research as evidence to uncover knowledge and understand
  • Respectful – First, do no harm